Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What are the outward sings of a healthy dog?

A healthy Lab should have a shine to their coat that resembles velvet under a lamp. Their eyes should be clear and sparkle, their tale should act as a rudder while they trot. They should appear well muscled, look interested and excited about the world around them. You should never be able to see a labs ribs. Obesity isn’t healthy for them, and many do tend to be chow hounds, so you might have to watch for that. You should see some definition where the ribs end, and be able to find the ribs with your fingers by pressing on the dog.
A healthy Poodle has sparkling eyes, a bounce to it’s gait and seems to float when it trots. A poodle coat will not shine, but should be wool like in texture and free of mats and snarls. Their gums and tongue should be pink and ears clean and without odor. Their tale should be carried high and point toward the sky.

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